Sunday, May 22, 2011


So many things have been going on and I obviously haven't written on this in a while.
Aunt Jennie took Brielle's pics when she was about 3 weeks old....
HeRe are a FeW of My FaVoRiTeS!
Thanks Jennie! Love you :D

We blessed her on May 15th. Thanks to all the family and friends that came out to support us. 
We LOvE YoU!!!

Funny face. I'm sad I didn't get any better pics of her in her dress.
MaYbE I'll just DrEsS her in it again and re-create the moment.

We have been adjusting to little Brielle. She is starting to smile and it's SOOO fun. I love her too much. I am just so blessed to have such a wonderful family:D

Until next time...Stay classy, San Diego.


  1. Cute pics! Also, love your hair!

  2. LOVE HER!! Let's recreate the moment again please! I'm mad I didn't get any of her in her darling dress. Why not recreate it?? We recreated your wedding pictures while you were pregnant! HA HA HA! Let's do it!

  3. LOVE the picture at the top by the way!
