Sunday, May 22, 2011


So many things have been going on and I obviously haven't written on this in a while.
Aunt Jennie took Brielle's pics when she was about 3 weeks old....
HeRe are a FeW of My FaVoRiTeS!
Thanks Jennie! Love you :D

We blessed her on May 15th. Thanks to all the family and friends that came out to support us. 
We LOvE YoU!!!

Funny face. I'm sad I didn't get any better pics of her in her dress.
MaYbE I'll just DrEsS her in it again and re-create the moment.

We have been adjusting to little Brielle. She is starting to smile and it's SOOO fun. I love her too much. I am just so blessed to have such a wonderful family:D

Until next time...Stay classy, San Diego.